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12 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 box /ˈbɑks/

From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary

 機箱; 框

From: Network Terminology

 箱 盒

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box, n.; pl. Boxes
 1. A receptacle or case of any firm material and of various shapes.
 2. The quantity that a box contain.
 3. A space with a few seats partitioned off in a theater, or other place of public amusement.
    Laughed at by the pit, box, galleries, nay, stage.   --Dorset.
    The boxes and the pit are sovereign judges.   --Dryden.
 4. A chest or any receptacle for the deposit of money; as, a poor box; a contribution box.
 Yet since his neighbors give, the churl unlocks,
 Damning the poor, his tripple-bolted box.   --J. Warton.
 5. A small country house. “A shooting box.”
    Tight boxes neatly sashed.   --Cowper.
 6. A boxlike shed for shelter; as, a sentry box.
 7. Mach (a) An axle box, journal box, journal bearing, or bushing. (b) A chamber or section of tube in which a valve works; the bucket of a lifting pump.
 8. The driver's seat on a carriage or coach.
 9. A present in a box; a present; esp. a Christmas box or gift. “A Christmas box.”
 10. Baseball The square in which the pitcher stands.
 11. Zool. A Mediterranean food fish; the bogue.
 Note:Box is much used adjectively or in composition; as box lid, box maker, box circle, etc.; also with modifying substantives; as money box, letter box, bandbox, hatbox or hat box, snuff box or snuffbox.
 Box beam Arch., a beam made of metal plates so as to have the form of a long box.
 Box car Railroads, a freight car covered with a roof and inclosed on the sides to protect its contents.
 Box chronometer, a ship's chronometer, mounted in gimbals, to preserve its proper position.
 Box coat, a thick overcoat for driving; sometimes with a heavy cape to carry off the rain.
 Box coupling, a metal collar uniting the ends of shafts or other parts in machinery.
 Box crab Zool., a crab of the genus Calappa, which, when at rest with the legs retracted, resembles a box.
 Box drain Arch., a drain constructed with upright sides, and with flat top and bottom.
 Box girder Arch., a box beam.
 Box groove Metal Working, a closed groove between two rolls, formed by a collar on one roll fitting between collars on another.  --R. W. Raymond.
 Box metal, an alloy of copper and tin, or of zinc, lead, and antimony, for the bearings of journals, etc.
 Box plait, a plait that doubles both to the right and the left.
 Box turtle or  Box tortoise Zool., a land tortoise or turtle of the genera Cistudo and Emys; -- so named because it can withdraw entirely within its shell, which can be closed by hinged joints in the lower shell. Also, humorously, an exceedingly reticent person.  --Emerson.
 In a box, in a perplexity or an embarrassing position; in difficulty. (Colloq.)
 In the wrong box, out of one's place; out of one's element; awkwardly situated. (Colloq.)  --Ridley (1554)

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box n.  Bot. A tree or shrub, flourishing in different parts of the world. The common box (Buxus sempervirens) has two varieties, one of which, the dwarf box (Buxus suffruticosa), is much used for borders in gardens.  The wood of the tree varieties, being very hard and smooth, is extensively used in the arts, as by turners, engravers, mathematical instrument makers, etc.
 Box elder, the ash-leaved maple (Negundo aceroides), of North America.
 Box holly, the butcher's broom (Russus aculeatus).
 Box thorn, a shrub (Lycium barbarum).
 Box tree, the tree variety of the common box.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box, n.  A blow on the head or ear with the hand.
    A good-humored box on the ear.   --W. Irving.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box, v. i. To fight with the fist; to combat with, or as with, the hand or fist; to spar.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box, v. t. To strike with the hand or fist, especially to strike on the ear, or on the side of the head.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box, v. t.  To boxhaul.
 To box off Naut., to turn the head of a vessel either way by bracing the headyards aback.
 To box the compass Naut., to name the thirty-two points of the compass in their order.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Box, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Boxed (░); p. pr. & vb. n. Boxing.]
 1. To inclose in a box.
 2. To furnish with boxes, as a wheel.
 3. Arch. To inclose with boarding, lathing, etc., so as to bring to a required form.
 To box a tree, to make an incision or hole in a tree for the purpose of procuring the sap.
 To box off, to divide into tight compartments.
 To box up. (a) To put into a box in order to save; as, he had boxed up twelve score pounds. (b) To confine; as, to be boxed up in narrow quarters.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he
           rummaged through a box of spare parts"
      2: private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group
         can watch the performance; "the royal box was empty" [syn:
      3: the quantity contained in a box; "he gave her a box of
         chocolates" [syn: boxful]
      4: a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is
         impossible; "his lying got him into a tight corner" [syn:
      5: a rectangular drawing; "the flowchart contained many boxes"
      6: evergreen shrubs or small trees [syn: boxwood]
      7: any one of several designated areas on a ball field where
         the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned; "the
         umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter's box"
      8: the driver's seat on a coach; "an armed guard sat in the box
         with the driver" [syn: box seat]
      9: separate partitioned area in a public place for a few
         people; "the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold"
      10: a blow with the hand (usually on the ear); "I gave him a
          good box on the ear"
      v 1: put into a box; "box the gift, please" [syn: package]
           [ant: unbox]
      2: hit with the fist; "I'll box your ears!"
      3: engage in a boxing match

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    for holding oil or perfumery (Mark 14:3). It was of the form of
    a flask or bottle. The Hebrew word (pak) used for it is more
    appropriately rendered "vial" in 1 Sam. 10:1, and should also be
    so rendered in 2 Kings 9:1, where alone else it occurs.