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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 car·om /ˈkærəm/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Car·om n.  Billiards A shot in which the ball struck with the cue comes in contact with two or more balls on the table; a hitting of two or more balls with the player's ball. In England it is called cannon.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Car·om, v. i. Billiards To make a carom.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a glancing rebound [syn: ricochet]
      2: a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one
         object ball and then the other [syn: cannon]
      v 1: rebound after hitting; "The car caromed off several
           lampposts" [syn: glance]
      2: make a carom