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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 foun·da·tion /faʊnˈdeʃən/

From: Network Terminology

 *基金 基礎

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Foun·da·tion n.
 1. The act of founding, fixing, establishing, or beginning to erect.
 2. That upon which anything is founded; that on which anything stands, and by which it is supported; the lowest and supporting layer of a superstructure; groundwork; basis.
    Behold, I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a stone . . . a precious corner stone, a sure foundation.   --Is. xxviii. 16.
    The foundation of a free common wealth.   --Motley.
 3. Arch. The lowest and supporting part or member of a wall, including the base course (see Base course (a), under Base, n.) and footing courses; in a frame house, the whole substructure of masonry.
 4. A donation or legacy appropriated to support a charitable institution, and constituting a permanent fund; endowment.
    He was entered on the foundation of Westminster.   --Macaulay.
 5. That which is founded, or established by endowment; an endowed institution or charity; as, the Ford Foundation.
    Against the canon laws of our foundation.   --Milton.
 Foundation course. See Base course, under Base, n.
 Foundation muslin, an open-worked gummed fabric used for stiffening dresses, bonnets, etc.
 Foundation school, in England, an endowed school.
 To be on a foundation, to be entitled to a support from the proceeds of an endowment, as a scholar or a fellow of a college.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: the basis on which something is grounded; "there is little
           foundation for his objections"
      2: an institution supported by an endowment
      3: the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or
         developed or calculated or explained; "the whole argument
         rested on a basis of conjecture" [syn: basis, base, fundament,
          groundwork, cornerstone]
      4: lowest support of a structure; "it was built on a base of
         solid rock"; "he stood at the foot of the tower" [syn: base,
          fundament, foot, groundwork, substructure, understructure]
      5: education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field of
         knowledge; "he lacks the foundation necessary for advanced
         study"; "a good grounding in mathematics" [syn: grounding]
      6: a woman's undergarment worn to give shape to the contours of
         the body [syn: foundation garment]
      7: the act of starting something for the first time;
         introducing something new; "she looked forward to her
         initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new
         scientific society"; "he regards the fork as a modern
         introduction" [syn: initiation, founding, institution,
          origination, creation, innovation, introduction,