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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典


From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Se·ver·i·ty n.; pl. Severities   The quality or state of being severe. Specifically: --
 (a) Gravity or austerity; extreme strictness; rigor; harshness; as, the severity of a reprimand or a reproof; severity of discipline or government; severity of penalties. “Strict age, and sour severity.”
 (b) The quality or power of distressing or paining; extreme degree; extremity; intensity; inclemency; as, the severity of pain or anguish; the severity of cold or heat; the severity of the winter.
 (c) Harshness; cruel treatment; sharpness of punishment; as, severity practiced on prisoners of war.
 (d) Exactness; rigorousness; strictness; as, the severity of a test.
    Confining myself to the severity of truth.   --Dryden.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: used of the degree of something undesirable e.g. pain or
           weather [syn: badness]
      2: something hard to endure; "the asperity of northern winters"
         [syn: asperity, grimness, hardship, rigor, rigour,
      3: excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness
         of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"
         [syn: harshness, rigor, rigour, inclemency, hardness,