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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 wine /ˈwaɪn/

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Medical Dictionary 英漢醫學字典

 wine /ˈwaɪn/ 名詞

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Wine n.
 1. The expressed juice of grapes, esp. when fermented; a beverage or liquor prepared from grapes by squeezing out their juice, and (usually) allowing it to ferment.  “Red wine of Gascoigne.”
    Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.   --Prov. xx. 1.
 Bacchus, that first from out the purple grape
 Crushed the sweet poison of misused wine.   --Milton.
 Note:Wine is essentially a dilute solution of ethyl alcohol, containing also certain small quantities of ethers and ethereal salts which give character and bouquet. According to their color, strength, taste, etc., wines are called red, white, spirituous, dry, light, still, etc.
 2. A liquor or beverage prepared from the juice of any fruit or plant by a process similar to that for grape wine; as, currant wine; gooseberry wine; palm wine.
 3. The effect of drinking wine in excess; intoxication.
    Noah awoke from his wine.   --Gen. ix. 24.
 Birch wine, Cape wine, etc. See under Birch, Cape, etc.
 Spirit of wine. See under Spirit.
 To have drunk wine of ape or To have drunk wine ape, to be so drunk as to be foolish. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 Wine acid. Chem. See Tartaric acid, under Tartaric. [Colloq.]
 Wine apple Bot., a large red apple, with firm flesh and a rich, vinous flavor.
 Wine bag, a wine skin.
 Wine biscuit, a kind of sweet biscuit served with wine.
 Wine cask, a cask for holding wine, or which holds, or has held, wine.
 Wine cellar, a cellar adapted or used for storing wine.
 Wine cooler, a vessel of porous earthenware used to cool wine by the evaporation of water; also, a stand for wine bottles, containing ice.
 Wine fly Zool., small two-winged fly of the genus Piophila, whose larva lives in wine, cider, and other fermented liquors.
 Wine grower, one who cultivates a vineyard and makes wine.
 Wine measure, the measure by which wines and other spirits are sold, smaller than beer measure.
 Wine merchant, a merchant who deals in wines.
 Wine of opium Pharm., a solution of opium in aromatized sherry wine, having the same strength as ordinary laudanum; -- also Sydenham's laudanum.
 Wine press, a machine or apparatus in which grapes are pressed to extract their juice.
 Wine skin, a bottle or bag of skin, used, in various countries, for carrying wine.
 Wine stone, a kind of crust deposited in wine casks.  See 1st Tartar, 1.
 Wine vault. (a) A vault where wine is stored. (b) A place where wine is served at the bar, or at tables; a dramshop. --Dickens.
 Wine vinegar, vinegar made from wine.
 Wine whey, whey made from milk coagulated by the use of wine.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: fermented juice (of grapes especially) [syn: vino]
      2: a red as dark as red wine [syn: wine-colored]
      v 1: drink wine
      2: treat to wine; "Our relatives in Italy wined and dined us
         for a week"

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    The common Hebrew word for wine is _yayin_, from a root meaning
    "to boil up," "to be in a ferment." Others derive it from a root
    meaning "to tread out," and hence the juice of the grape trodden
    out. The Greek word for wine is _oinos_, and the Latin _vinun_.
    But besides this common Hebrew word, there are several others
    which are thus rendered.
      (1.) Ashishah (2 Sam. 6:19; 1 Chr. 16:3; Cant. 2:5; Hos. 3:1),
    which, however, rather denotes a solid cake of pressed grapes,
    or, as in the Revised Version, a cake of raisins.
      (2.) 'Asis, "sweet wine," or "new wine," the product of the
    same year (Cant. 8:2; Isa. 49:26; Joel 1:5; 3:18; Amos 9:13),
    from a root meaning "to tread," hence juice trodden out or
    pressed out, thus referring to the method by which the juice is
    obtained. The power of intoxication is ascribed to it.
      (3.) Hometz. See VINEGAR.
      (4.) Hemer, Deut. 32:14 (rendered "blood of the grape") Isa.
    27:2 ("red wine"), Ezra 6:9; 7:22; Dan. 5:1, 2, 4. This word
    conveys the idea of "foaming," as in the process of
    fermentation, or when poured out. It is derived from the root
    _hamar_, meaning "to boil up," and also "to be red," from the
    idea of boiling or becoming inflamed.
      (5.) 'Enabh, a grape (Deut. 32:14). The last clause of this
    verse should be rendered as in the Revised Version, "and of the
    blood of the grape ['enabh] thou drankest wine [hemer]." In Hos.
    3:1 the phrase in Authorized Version, "flagons of wine," is in
    the Revised Version correctly "cakes of raisins." (Comp. Gen.
    49:11; Num. 6:3; Deut. 23:24, etc., where this Hebrew word is
    rendered in the plural "grapes.")
      (6.) Mesekh, properly a mixture of wine and water with spices
    that increase its stimulating properties (Isa. 5:22). Ps. 75:8,
    "The wine [yayin] is red; it is full of mixture [mesekh];" Prov.
    23:30, "mixed wine;" Isa. 65:11, "drink offering" (R.V.,
    "mingled wine").
      (7.) Tirosh, properly "must," translated "wine" (Deut. 28:51);
    "new wine" (Prov. 3:10); "sweet wine" (Micah 6:15; R.V.,
    "vintage"). This Hebrew word has been traced to a root meaning
    "to take possession of" and hence it is supposed that tirosh is
    so designated because in intoxicating it takes possession of the
    brain. Among the blessings promised to Esau (Gen. 27:28) mention
    is made of "plenty of corn and tirosh." Palestine is called "a
    land of corn and tirosh" (Deut. 33:28; comp. Isa. 36:17). See
    also Deut. 28:51; 2 Chr. 32:28; Joel 2:19; Hos. 4:11, ("wine
    [yayin] and new wine [tirosh] take away the heart").
      (8.) Sobhe (root meaning "to drink to excess," "to suck up,"
    "absorb"), found only in Isa. 1:22, Hos. 4:18 ("their drink;"
    Gesen. and marg. of R.V., "their carouse"), and Nah. 1:10
    ("drunken as drunkards;" lit., "soaked according to their
    drink;" R.V., "drenched, as it were, in their drink", i.e.,
    according to their sobhe).
      (9.) Shekar, "strong drink," any intoxicating liquor; from a
    root meaning "to drink deeply," "to be drunken", a generic term
    applied to all fermented liquors, however obtained. Num. 28:7,
    "strong wine" (R.V., "strong drink"). It is sometimes
    distinguished from wine, c.g., Lev. 10:9, "Do not drink wine
    [yayin] nor strong drink [shekar];" Num. 6:3; Judg. 13:4, 7;
    Isa. 28:7 (in all these places rendered "strong drink").
    Translated "strong drink" also in Isa. 5:11; 24:9; 29:9; 56:12;
    Prov. 20:1; 31:6; Micah 2:11.
      (10.) Yekebh (Deut. 16:13, but in R.V. correctly
    "wine-press"), a vat into which the new wine flowed from the
    press. Joel 2:24, "their vats;" 3:13, "the fats;" Prov. 3:10,
    "Thy presses shall burst out with new wine [tirosh];" Hag. 2:16;
    Jer. 48:33, "wine-presses;" 2 Kings 6:27; Job. 24:11.
      (11.) Shemarim (only in plural), "lees" or "dregs" of wine. In
    Isa. 25:6 it is rendered "wines on the lees", i.e., wine that
    has been kept on the lees, and therefore old wine.
      (12.) Mesek, "a mixture," mixed or spiced wine, not diluted
    with water, but mixed with drugs and spices to increase its
    strength, or, as some think, mingled with the lees by being
    shaken (Ps. 75:8; Prov. 23:30).
      In Acts 2:13 the word _gleukos_, rendered "new wine," denotes
    properly "sweet wine." It must have been intoxicating.
      In addition to wine the Hebrews also made use of what they
    called _debash_, which was obtained by boiling down must to
    one-half or one-third of its original bulk. In Gen. 43:11 this
    word is rendered "honey." It was a kind of syrup, and is called
    by the Arabs at the present day dibs. This word occurs in the
    phrase "a land flowing with milk and honey" (debash), Ex. 3:8,
    17; 13:5; 33:3; Lev. 20:24; Num. 13: 27. (See HONEY.)
      Our Lord miraculously supplied wine at the marriage feast in
    Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11). The Rechabites were forbidden the
    use of wine (Jer. 35). The Nazarites also were to abstain from
    its use during the period of their vow (Num. 6:1-4); and those
    who were dedicated as Nazarites from their birth were
    perpetually to abstain from it (Judg. 13:4, 5; Luke 1:15; 7:33).
    The priests, too, were forbidden the use of wine and strong
    drink when engaged in their sacred functions (Lev. 10:1, 9-11).
    "Wine is little used now in the East, from the fact that
    Mohammedans are not allowed to taste it, and very few of other
    creeds touch it. When it is drunk, water is generally mixed with
    it, and this was the custom in the days of Christ also. The
    people indeed are everywhere very sober in hot climates; a
    drunken person, in fact, is never seen", (Geikie's Life of
    Christ). The sin of drunkenness, however, must have been not
    uncommon in the olden times, for it is mentioned either
    metaphorically or literally more than seventy times in the
      A drink-offering of wine was presented with the daily
    sacrifice (Ex. 29:40, 41), and also with the offering of the
    first-fruits (Lev. 23:13), and with various other sacrifices
    (Num. 15:5, 7, 10). Wine was used at the celebration of the
    Passover. And when the Lord's Supper was instituted, the wine
    and the unleavened bread then on the paschal table were by our
    Lord set apart as memorials of his body and blood.
      Several emphatic warnings are given in the New Testament
    against excess in the use of wine (Luke 21:34; Rom. 13:13; Eph.
    5:18; 1 Tim. 3:8; Titus 1:7).